Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Moderner Mobile Retina | WordPress Version

Moderner Mobile Retina | WordPress Version - Mobile WordPress

Moderner is just a modern awesome design!

WordPress Features

  • 6 Custom Page Templates Included

    • Home Page

    • General Page

    • Blog Page

    • Portfolio One Column

    • Swipable Portfolio Three Columns

    • Contact Page

  • Custom Theme Options Panel with 25 very useful settings

  • 22 Useful shortcodes

  • Contact page with form and field validation!

  • Posibility to disable the default contact form and add in your own!

  • Add your own custom CSS rules directly from our options panel

  • Logo Upload from Options Panel

  • Favicon Upload from Options Panel

  • Upload your custom HomeScreen Icon, and Splash Screens for iOS devices from options panel!

  • SEO Settings included in the options pane ( Google Analytics, Description, Keywords

  • Demo Content XML File Included, so you can have the item EXACTLY how it’s in the preview

General Features

  • Custom jQuery code.

  • Page preloader with fader!

  • Optimized for all types of mobile screens!

  • WebApp Ready!

  • AJAX/PHP Contact Form with validation!

  • Touch Swipe image slider!

  • Colorbox image gallery!

  • Photoswipe touch image gallery!

  • Full retina support for all graphic elements!

  • 800 icons availalble!

  • 40 icon lists availalble!

  • Google fonts integration!

Typograpghy features!

  • 1 text column!

  • 2 text columns!

  • 3 text columns!

  • 1 column with icon

  • 2 columns with icon

  • 3 columns with icon

  • 1 column with image

  • 2 columns with image

  • 3 columns with image!

  • Blockquote with icons!

  • Blockquote without icons!

  • CSS3 Highlighted text paragraphs

  • CSS3 Dropcaps text style!

  • CSS3 Table!

  • CSS3 Web 2.0 buttons

  • CSS3 Minimal buttons

  • List with icons!

  • Classic lists with numbers or bullet!

  • Thumbnail adaptive blog post!

  • Fullwidth blog post!

  • Ads widget in blog!

  • Recent widget in blog

  • Comments widget

  • Replies widget!

jQuery features!

  • jQuery Swipe Slider

  • jQuery Photoswipe thumbnail gallery!

  • jQuery Colorbox 1 column gallery!

  • jQuery Colorbox 2 column gallery!

  • jQuery Colorbox filtrable gallery!

  • jQuery Checkboxes ( retina ready )

  • jQuery Radioboxes ( retina ready )

  • jQuery On/Off Toggle! ( retina ready )

  • jQuery +/- Toggle ( retina ready )

  • jQuery Tabs

  • jQuery Classic Notifications ( retina ready )

  • jQuery Big Notifications! ( retina ready )

  • jQuery Header notifications!

Epsilon mobile framework! What is it

Epsilon is the most advanced and easiet to use mobile framework we’ve ever built! It’s made in such fashion that you’ll have all possible elements styled up for this specific template and all you’ll have to do is call them to your page!

Is Epsilon harder to use than coding old fashion way?

NO! It’s actually far far easier! All elements are dynamic, you can use as many as you want, they are just copy paste, replace with your information, done! That’s all!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

TOUCH - A lighter-than-air WP theme, by Bonfire.

TOUCH - A lighter-than-air WP theme, by Bonfire. - Mobile WordPress

Hi there and thanks for checking out ‘Touch’

‘Touch’ is the 4th in a series of 5-star WordPress themes from Bonfire Themes and is intended for use on smartphone and/or tablet devices. Set it up as a secondary theme and display it only to mobile visitors, or set up a brand new WordPress installation; the choice is yours.

‘Touch’ may look light and airy but, as can be seen on the features list below, comes with plenty of features in tow and can be used for many purposes; set up a straightforward blog, an optional static front page, a touch gesture-enabled gallery, or even a portfolio. Also included is a utterly unique comment form along with a validation-enabled contact form, plus sliders, shortcodes and so on, and so on.


As with people who’ve purchased our previous themes can attest to, Bonfire’s clients can always expect nothing short of stellar support. Here’s what just some of current clients have to say:

  • “This is by far the best support I’ve gotten on TF.”

  • “Excellent theme, fantastic support … You have solved my mobile headache.”

  • “Best support I’ve ever seen! .. Five stars is not enough!”

  • “Thank you for your swift reply!”

  • “I am impressed by the speed of your answer :)”

  • “… customer service provided goes above and beyond … An excellent experience from start to finish.”

  • “Thanks a lot for your help – very quick!”

  • “… extreme fast response!!!”

  • “Wow, thanks for the prompt response.”

  • “Excellent response time, man. Awesome service.”

  • ”...quick to respond and very helpful.”

  • ”..documentation [has] been a great help..”

  • “Thank you very much for the super-quick support.”

  • “Thanks for such a speedy response! You rock man!”

Thoroughly tested: iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and desktop

‘Touch’ is a thoroughly tested theme. iPhones and iPads, Android and Windows devices, even desktop browsers. It works everywhere. Should you use it as such, it can even functions as a full-blown desktop site.

‘Touch’ works alongside your existing desktop theme

‘Touch’ works alongside your existing desktop theme and can easily be shown to
your mobile and/or tablet visitors only. To get a first hand look at the theme,
visit the live demo site here.

Touch-enabled gallery Swipe, pinch and zoom

‘Touch’ comes with a customized version of PhotoSwipe, the popular touch-enabled
gallery system, which integrates absolutely seamlessly with WordPress. Let your
visitors swipe, pinch and zoom their way through your images!

Theme features:

  • unique and super clean design

  • 2-level accordion menu

  • back, call, email buttons in the header

  • integrated share buttons for Twitter, Facebook and Google+ (no setup necessary!)

  • ready for translation/localization (.mo, .po files included)

  • tested on several browsers across multiple operating systems and devices (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera, iOS, Android, Windows Phone)

  • a very unique, subtly animated comment form

  • contact form with validation

  • a fully responsive liquid design that works beautifully on desktop, tablets and smartphones (everything from forms and fields to menus and embedded content is automatically resized to ensure your site looks its best on whatever device and resolution it’s being viewed on)

  • fully retina-ready

  • beautiful and subtle use of CSS3 and jQuery animations

  • includes themes for two different slider plugins

  • touch-enabled gallery (customized PhotoSwipe)

  • multiple page templates allowing for formatting of content (no title, centered title, back button, and combinations thereof)

  • a ton of extremely customizable shortcodes (alerts, dividers, buttons etc)..
    ..plus shortcodes for YouTube, Vimeo, USTREAM, DailyMotion, Blip.tv..
    .. and shortcodes for easily placing content in columns (text, images, as well as video)

  • custom background tool enabled; change the theme’s background color/image in seconds (a dozen background images included)

  • extensive documentation

  • PSD included

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Spartan: A Fully-featured theme for Mobile+Tablets

Spartan: A Fully-featured theme for Mobile+Tablets - Mobile WordPress

About SPARTAN A Fully-featured theme for Mobiles and Tablets

The goal with SPARTAN was to create a fully-loaded theme that would serve as the mobile and tablet home for any and all types of WordPress sites while also being a great stand-alone theme. With its color scheme suitable for all businesses, organizations, as well as personal sites, the theme allows your content to take center stage.

It’s the little things that we think are so great. Like the menu that goes beyond just listing a number of links in predetermined styles, allowing you to instead build and color a unique navigation system. Or the comment button also serving as a visual indicator; grayed out when comments for a given post are disabled, or shaking itself ever so gently to remind the user to read and leave comments when comments are enabled. Or the amount of customization available for shortcodes. It’s your call how deep you want to go.

We’ve linked to a great number of live examples to showcase these as well as other aspects of the theme, including how the blog index looks and behaves, how the theme handles comments, displays galleries, how you could set up a portfolio, all the different post formats etc. In the live preview, just bring down the menu by clicking/tapping the menu button on the upper left corner of your screen and browse away.

We sincerely hope you like what you see.

Feature list: Information about SPARTAN in neat list form

  • works alongside your existing desktop theme

  • ‘install as web app’ functionality on iOS (with install prompt, splash screens + icons!)

  • ready for localization/translation (*mo, *.po)

  • tested on iOS, Android, WP7 as well as desktop browsers

  • unique ‘layered’ design (the site’s menu and comments are opened in full-screen, dedicated slideouts, giving the site a ‘layered’ look and feel)

  • a unique, customizable ‘descriptive’ two-level pull-down accordion menu

  • touch/swipe gallery (customized PhotoSwipe)

  • supports 10 post formats (Standard, Aside, Link, Gallery, Status, Quote, Image, Video, Audio, Chat)

  • subtle and effective use of jQuery

  • a ton of extremely customizable shortcodes..

  • ..plus shortcodes for YouTube, Vimeo, USTREAM, DailyMotion, Blip.tv

  • retina icons

  • custom background tool enabled; change the theme’s background color/image in seconds (a dozen hand-picked background images by the theme’s designer are included)

  • a fully responsive liquid design (everything from forms and fields to menus and embedded content is automatically resized to ensure your site looks its best on whatever device and resolution it’s being viewed on)

  • works beautifully in both landscape and portrait

  • detailed documentation

  • layered PSD included

Support you can count on What our customers are saying

Below are some kind words those who’ve purchased our themes have sent our way. Needless to say, we are super proud of the support we offer.

  • “Best support I’ve ever seen! .. Five stars is not enough!”

  • ”..customer service provided goes above and beyond … An excellent experience from start to finish.”

  • “… extreme fast response!!!”

  • ”..documentation [has] been a great help..”

  • “This is by far the best support I’ve gotten on TF.”

  • ”...quick to respond and very helpful.”

  • “I’m really amazed with Spartan”

  • “Thanks for such a speedy response! You rock man!”

  • “Awesome support!”

  • “Wow, thanks for the prompt response.”

Install as a web app (use your own splash screens and icons)

As a part of the theme’s default functionality, SPARTAN can be installed on your iOS device as a web app. Upon arriving on your site, a handy prompt alerts your visitor to add the site to their Home Screen, meaning your site will be just a single tap away.

You can also add your own custom icons and splash screens that the web app will make use of, as can be seen by the included default images below:

Update 1.3:

  • Added ‘install as web app’ support on iOS (with install prompt, splash screens + icons!)

  • Added documentation item on ‘install as web app’

Update 1.2:

  • Spartan is now ready for translation!

  • Documentation now includes guide on how to easily and quickly translate the theme.

Update 1.0.1:

  • Added widget support

  • Added an archive page

  • Fixed bug where secondary menu wouldn’t display

Resans - Wordpress Mobile and Tablet

Resans - Wordpress Mobile and Tablet - Mobile WordPress

See administration panel

Thank you for visiting Resans

Resans is highly advanced Wordpress theme. It’s based on many plugins which provides excellent sight. Resans comes with 50$ worth plugins. Provides such abilities such as infinite scrolling, page preloading, loading animations and highly advanced administration panel.

Resans is fully responsive, retina ready WordPress template. You may use it alongside your desktop template and set it up with Resans AP. There’s online help guide to tell you basics (here) or ticket support. Thank you once again to taking your time.

Need a HTML template? Try Resans HTML

Some features of Resans

Resans includes highly advanced admin panel.

Don’t forget about your social profiles, they are very important aspect of our lives and Resans knows it!

Let’s delve into the depths of this amazing admin panel and adjust every aspect of Resans.

Create custom menu, upload background image, change loading animations etc.

Search Engine Optimalization is so important! Resans provides features to have SEO friendly site.

Full list of features

  • Amazing blog

  • Masonry blog posts

  • Responsive listing

  • Will work alongside your desktop theme

  • Custom blog post template

  • Infinite scrolling

  • Animated loading of new pages

  • Supports swipe gestues

  • 5 Page afterload animations (Slide Left, Slide Right, Fall Down, Rise from Bottom and Fade In

  • Preloader on every page

  • Mobile only / fully responsive layout

  • Tracking code integration

  • Custom CSS

  • Custom JavaScript

  • Logo uploader

  • Favicon uploader

  • 13 Background patterns

  • Custom background image uploader

  • Unlimited colors for header background

  • Unlimited colors for content background

  • Unlimited colors for footer background

  • Unlimited colors for menu background

  • Unlimited font colors

  • 6 Basic fonts

  • Custom footer text

  • Menu builder

  • 743 Amazing icons for free use

  • Social media integrations

  • Unlimited colors for social media icons

  • Options backup utility

  • Custom number of post per page

  • Show/hide meta data on every page/post

  • Show/hide comments

  • Theme guide here

  • Ticket support

  • Responsive layout

  • Astonishing design by lukepostulka

  • Do you like images used in my template? How about support amazing author (Sounas Design) by buying some? Thank you so much!


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Version 1.1.0 – May 6th, 2013

- NEW FEATURE: autor/archive/category/tag list style with infinite scrolling (archive.php, author.php, category.php, tag.php)
- ADD: placeholder instead of value for searchform (searchform.php)
- FIX: fixed width value for WordPress smileys (style.css line 874)
- FIX: title height overflow fix (style.css line 358)
- FIX: searchform opacity bug fix (style.css lines 250-254)
- FIX: blog-template style fix (blog-template.php)

Version 1.0.0 – April 24th, 2013

- Initial release

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Moby Elite - Wordpress Mobile Theme

Moby Elite - Wordpress Mobile Theme - Mobile WordPress

Moby – Elite is a Mobile WordPress Business Template written in HTML5 with clean code and structure, which can be customized very easily according to your business needs.

Theme Options Panel
Supports All major phones & tablets
Flexi Touch Slider
Contact Form
5 Color Schemes
HTML5 Validated
Files in Moby package
25 Fully commented HTML pages
5 Fully layered PSD Files
Note: If you like to preview the template on your smartphone, please close ThemeForest item preview frame on top first so it shows up accordingly.
Don’t forget to rate!

Troller Mobile Retina | WordPress Version

Troller Mobile Retina | WordPress Version - Mobile WordPress

The cleanest, easiest to use, and most advanced mobile template on themeforest!

3D Image Slider!

This is an awesome feature for a mobile device, it’s made to load quickly, has autoplay, and works by just taping another image to change it!

HTML CSS3 Features

  • iPhone Web App with iPhone Homescreen icon and startup screen!

  • Pure CSS3 buttons that enlarge to suit your text and never break.

  • CSS3 Table

  • CSS3 Notification Boxes

  • CSS3 Toggle

  • Google Font API Replacement for slick quality.

Swipe image gallery!

jQuery Features

  • jQuery Homepage Slider with Swipe feature!

  • jQuery Animated Toggles

  • jQuery Photogallery with slideshow and Swipfe feature!

  • jQuery Animated notification boxes!

  • AJAX PHP Contact form with Phone, Text, And Mail from default mobile client included!

Graphic Features

  • PSD file included

  • Over 100 RETINA ICONS!

Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could detect what your users are browsing from? Android? iPhone, iPad? iPod? And direct them to a specific page or app developed for their exact device? Now that’s possible! Troller has a JavaScript system that detects what browser your users are comming from! The best part is that you only need to edit the HTML, the rest is done by the JavaScript!

iOS4 or higher
Android 3 or higher
RIM OS7 or higher

Full JavaScript support required!