Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Stacker - Responsive Wordpress Theme

Stacker - Responsive Wordpress Theme - ThemeForest Item for Sale

Wordpress Version Relesed


  • Working Ajax contact form with inline validation.

  • Photoswipe and flexslider

  • 5 Page templates

  • Footer widget area

  • Custom mobile navigation

  • Theme Options (More to come)

  • CSS3 buttons and many other features

  • Post formats for blog and portfolio

  • Optional plugin to control theme options, while your desktop theme is active

  • Retina display ready!

  • Support for every mobile resolution/platform

  • Fully Responsive – just resize it!

  • Liquid Design

  • Valid Code

  • Over 11 shortcodes

  • Many icons to choose from

QR code



= Update - 19.1.2013 =
- Potoswipe updated to version 3.0.5
- Isotope updated to version 1.5.25
- Flexslider updated to version 2.1
- Fixed Blog alt and Two Column Blog template

= Update - 24.12.2012 =
- Updated with wordpress 3.5 support
- Fixed read more bug
- Just general maintaince

= Update - 7.12.2012 =
- Fixed Translation Support (Thanks transpire for noticing)

= Update - 5.12.2012 =
- Fixed Jetpack plugin crash
- Few Fixes
- Translation Support

= Update - 2.8.2012 =
- Envato theme auto updater (Tutorial:
- Fixed youtube links sometimes didn't appeared as featured video
- Fixed overlapping issue on Blog Alt. layout
- Fixed Theme Option -> Show home in navigation
- Fixed header - fixed top page padding
- New Theme Options
- New Portfolio Grid layout (Same as Blog Layout)
- New Blog Layout (Two column with featured article -> choose featured article from Theme Options)
- Better responsive videos - CSS only no Javascript
- Improved Vimeo Featured video support (Now accepts also https and
- Some under hood changes for better performance

= Update - 18.7.2012 =
- Updated with retina display support

= Update - 12.7.2012 =
- Fixed menu not appearing on archive page
- Fixed blog alt. page format errors

= Update - 4.7.2012 =
- !!! Updated with flexslider v2... finally flexible height for your gallery posts
- Added dropdown menu (1 level)
- Added option to add ,,back to top" button at the bottom of the page
- few fixes

= Update - 26.6.2012 =
- Optional Fixed header in theme options
- Optional search form in theme options
- few fixes

= Update - 6.6.2012 =
- Added widget area at the bottom of single post
- Added few theme options (Archive, Category page settings)
- Updated theme options with Blog alt and portfolio alt options

= Update - 22.5.2012 =
- Fixed scheluded posts showing up in recent posts widget
- Clicking on image in post will now redirect you to that post insted of showing it up in photoswipe
- Fixed excerpt showing up in single post

= Update - 18.5.2012 =
- Added 2 new Page Templates (Portfolio alt. and Blog alt.)
- fixed some minor css problems
- added new theme options (Enable excerpt for blog posts...)

= Update - 13.5.2012 =
- Fixed navigation, sorry guys for the typo - for those experiencing this problem, change this line in header.php:
$("nav select").select(function() {
$("nav select").change(function() {

= Update - 12.5.2012 =
- Added vimeo, youtube, facebook, twitter, googleplus, related_posts shortcodes
- updated documentation
- Added whole bunch of theme options
- Added related posts option at bottom of every post
- Smaller pictures in the comments on mobile device
- Comments are now using 452 days ago time format
- and much more

= Update - 9.5.2012 =
- Fixed flexslider on some android devices

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