Sunday, August 4, 2013

Resans - Mobile and Tablet | WordPress Retina

Resans - Mobile and Tablet | WordPress Retina - Mobile WordPress

Resans – Mobile and Tablet | WordPress Retina

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See online help scripts.

Thank you for visiting Resans

Resans is highly advanced Wordpress theme. It’s based on many plugins which provides excellent sight. Resans comes with 50$ worth plugins. Provides such abilities such as infinite scrolling, page preloading, loading animations and highly advanced administration panel.

Resans is fully responsive, retina ready WordPress template. You may use it alongside your desktop template and set it up with Resans AP. There’s online help guide to tell you basics (here) or ticket support. Thank you once again to taking your time to visit this amazing theme.


Many people have already purchased Resans for WordPress and I hear almost every day thankful notes, I can already tell that Resans is highly popular theme. Here is some responses from you, dear customers who are sending me emails and “thank you” tickets. Thank you so much!

  • “Best mobile template of themeforest!”
  • “Many thanks for your time and help, Luke! Very much appreciated, as always.”
  • This is my favorite .. “Thank you SO much, this is exactly what I was looking for, and sorry it turned out to be something so trivial in the end. I owe you many beers when you are next over my side of the world!”
  • “I’m just browsing via Resans AP and there’s so much options…”
  • “Thanks for the great theme. I was looking for something that mimicked the mobile look and feel, and resans is the perfect match.”
  • “First of all congratulations for this great theme!”
  • “Hi Luke, Love the theme”
  • “Great theme and great support – it’s really flexible, so much can be done with it! Thanks for implementing those features.”
  • “Just bought this theme yesterday and its by far the best designed mobile Wordpress theme! Great UI and Design.”
  • “First of all i love your theme! i think it is the best mobile theme here available.”

Need a HTML template? Try Resans HTML5 Template at here

Full list of features

  • Amazing blog
  • Masonry blog posts
  • Responsive listing
  • Will work alongside your desktop theme
  • Custom blog post template
  • Infinite scrolling
  • Animated loading of new pages
  • Supports swipe gestues
  • 5 Page afterload animations (Slide Left, Slide Right, Fall Down, Rise from Bottom and Fade In
  • Preloader on every page
  • Mobile only / fully responsive layout
  • Tracking code integration
  • Custom CSS
  • Custom JavaScript
  • Logo uploader
  • Favicon uploader
  • 13 Background patterns
  • Custom background image uploader
  • Unlimited colors for header background
  • Unlimited colors for content background
  • Unlimited colors for footer background
  • Unlimited colors for menu background
  • Unlimited font colors
  • 6 Basic fonts
  • Custom footer text
  • Menu builder
  • 743 Amazing icons for free use
  • Social media integrations
  • Unlimited colors for social media icons
  • Options backup utility
  • Custom number of post per page
  • Show/hide meta data on every page/post
  • Show/hide comments
  • Theme guide here
  • Ticket support
  • Responsive layout
  • Astonishing design by lukepostulka
  • Do you like images used in my template? How about support amazing author (Sounas Design) by buying some? Thank you so much!



Version 1.3.2 – August 2nd, 2013

 - FIX: undefined index upload_favicon error after installation - FIX: undefined index footer_text error after installation - FIX: other post-theme activation issues - FIX: [Resans AP] default footer text now without HTML - REMOVED: [Resans AP] ability to add HTML tags into your own footer text - ADD: [Resans AP] notification text into about Slide Right transition issue - ADD: [Resans AP] menu icons are now in boxes - UDPATE: [Resans AP] SMOF was updated - read below 

Also in version 1.3.2 – SMOF was updated from 1.4.4 to 1.5.2 that comes with some improvements in Resans AP:

 - No more "Undefined index:" notices on theme activation. - Fix Import option - Deleted old color picker assets - Added default colors to color picker instead of clear option - Fixed speed issues, 250% reduction in load time with new class - Fixed Checkbox error not updating if all empty - Fixed Ordering saving issue - The new WP 3.5+ "Media Uploader". Combined filed types media and upload(now they are the same, left for themes compatibility). - Native WP Color Picker. - Redesigned UI slider. I think it looks better now. - Replaced deprecated functions and constants. - Removed old code. 

This update will cause lose of your current settings in Resans AP. Backup it before updating your theme.

Version 1.3.1 – July 29th, 2013

 - FIX: author/archive/category/tag repeated content header loaded with each page 

Version 1.3 – July 17th, 2013

 - ADD: Optimized code for better performance and quicker loading. If someone have trouble with slow loading turn off loading animation and swipe gestues in Resans AP. - FIX: Search results bug shows all posts in some cases - FIX: Category bug shows all posts in some cases - FIX: Author bug shows all posts in some cases - FIX: Tag bug shows all posts in some cases - FIX: Archive bug shows all posts in some cases - FIX: Autor/archive/category/tag infinite scrolling bug 

Version 1.2 – June 27th, 2013

 - NEW FEATURE: search list style with infinite scrolling (search.php) - FIX: Searchform placeholder bug fix for new Firefox (style.css line 276) - FIX: Autor/archive/category/tag infinite scrolling bug 

Version 1.1 – May 6th, 2013

 - NEW FEATURE: autor/archive/category/tag list style with infinite scrolling (archive.php, author.php, category.php, tag.php) - ADD: placeholder instead of value for searchform (searchform.php) - FIX: fixed width value for WordPress smileys (style.css line 874) - FIX: title height overflow fix (style.css line 358) - FIX: searchform opacity bug fix (style.css lines 250-254) - FIX: blog-template style fix (blog-template.php) 

Version 1.0 – April 24th, 2013

 - Initial release 

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