Sunday, April 28, 2013

1stGiantLeap Mobile Template Wordpress Edition

1stGiantLeap Mobile Template Wordpress Edition - ThemeForest Item for Sale


Latest update:

Update v.1.22

  • 1. Fixed bug with the swiping between slides in slider on the landingpage

Update v.1.2

  • 1. Swipe gesture support for the landing page slider

  • 2. You can now add the link to the desktop version of your web site (id exists)

  • 3. You can define the navigation inside Appearance / Menu under Wordpress admin

Please note that due to some crytical changes to the HTML and CSS you suppose to use only handheld devices for theme preview, otherwise it will look ugly on desktop browsers!

Update v.1.11

  • 1. You can now specify the category of posts to be shown on the landing page

Update v.1.1

  • 1. Slideshow autorun function added

  • 2. Slideshow autorun switch added to theme options page

  • 3. Mailbox to send message from the footer contact form is specified in theme options page now. No need to dig up the sendmail.php
  • 4. Custom success message now defined in the theme options page

  • 5. Image are cropped automatically in single.php and page.php files. No ugly auto cropping! Now any content will fit the theme nice and smooth. Yay!

  • 6. Fixed problem with subpages. Subpages (if exists) are showed on a parent page


1stGiantLeap Mobile is a HTML5 /CSS3 template tuned to look perfect in mobile browsers. The markup is device orientation (landscape/portrait) sensitive, so when you change device orientation by rotating it 90 degrees CW or CCW this template will look nice.

I strongly advise you to use iOS & Android devices for preview.

This template will fit perfect for a mobile blog or magazine, maybe even for mobile portfolio. I’ve created it as a mobile version of one of my previous works please check this out:

It might be very useful for those who purchased 1stGiantLeap template because this was supposed to be a mobile version of this template.


  • Valid HTML5 CSS3 markup

  • 7 Wordpress Templates

  • 3 easy to customize skins

  • 100% iPhone / Android ready

  • Orientation change sensitive

  • Light speed fast javascript

  • Twitter integration

  • 5 superwell organized PSDs

  • PHP powered forms included

WP Page Templates:

  • Landing page

  • About page

  • Archive page

  • Post page

  • Styles page

  • 404 page

PSD Templates:

  • Landing page content

  • Landing page iPhone preview

  • Landing page iPhone landscape preview

  • Inner page content

  • Inner page content iPhone preview


For now, all support questions can be directed to the comments, or, please feel free to email me using the contact form on my profile page.

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