Monday, April 29, 2013

My Mobile Page V3 Wordpress Theme

My Mobile Page V3 Wordpress Theme - ThemeForest Item for Sale

My Mobile Page V3 Wordpress Theme

Live video preview HERE

My Mobile Page V3 Wordpress Theme is the third version of “My mobile page” wordpress mobile theme series. The Wordpress version comes with a custom ajax powered admin panel, from where you can setup the theme and his features. You can customize the home navigation menu, adding and editing the icons and the numbers of pages to display. Also you can create blog pages, photo galleries, portfolio sections with flexible images and videos. Using the allready 12 smart editor shortcodes you can manage your content easily.

Check it out with you mobile

My Mobile Page V3 Wordpress Theme

Updates 02 (07-June-12)

  • Added the option to add to a link to a home screen slider image. This is available when creating a slider image from “Home screen slider” tab in admin panel.

  • Options to enable/disable the home icons menu navigation (will add next/prev arrows in left/right side of the icons). This will be available also for pages icons navigations. To enable the option just go to “My Mobile Page V3 Theme Options” panel and see the field “Enable pagination arrows on bottom icons navigation”.

  • For iPhone only: added a javascript code to detect if the theme was launched as an App (from iPhone desktop screen) or as an regular webpage (iPhone Safari) and load some specific CSS classes to make the home page of the theme full screen. This is available only for home page, when navigate to another page the full screen mode will disapear (because the theme is not fully ajax loaded).

To get the updates just download the theme archive again (it’s FREE ), and replace the theme files on your server. Don’t forget to RESET your admin panel from reset option tab (remember all your settings there, they might get lost when reseting).

Updates 01 (30-Jan-12)

  • Home menu and pages menu “bug” fixed when using less than 3,4 icons

  • New admin options to edit main background images, content background color, main text colors…

  • New admin options to edit some text on buttons and contact labels

  • PSD files included. Just the icons layouts and home slider panels examples

Updates on how to use the mobile detection code and theme switcher plugin

3 easy steps:

  1. Go and download THIS wordpress theme swicher plugin and install it like a regular plugin.

  2. Go and download THIS mobile detection code and copy the file to your “desktop theme” root folder. Where the header.php file is also.

  3. Open you “desktop theme” header.php file and right at the top include this code:

$detect = new Mobile_Detect();
if (!$_SESSION['switched']
&& !is_admin()
&& $detect->isMobile()
&& empty($_REQUEST['wptheme'])
&& get_current_theme() != 'My%20Mobile%20Page%20V3%20Wordpress%20Theme') {
$_SESSION['switched'] = true;

Make sure you write your wordpress website url corectly here: “”

Also if you modify the mobile theme name (theme name must be change also from style.css file of the mobile theme) make sure you change also “My%20Mobile%20Page%20V3%20Wordpress%20Theme” from the code

IMPORTANT : The desktop theme must always be the one left active from your wordpress admin. After you download the mobile theme, activate it, add all the content to it, make all the settings you want, and after that deactivate it and activate the desktop theme again.

Now go and test it with your mobile. The desktop theme will stay active for desktop users, and the mobile on will be activated only when the user is coming from a mobile device.

My Mobile Page V3 Wordpress Theme

Full Features List

  • Ajax powered custom admin panel

  • 12 smart shortcodes for content editing

  • Smart slider options home page

  • Touch flexible navigation

  • Fluid responsive layout

  • Flexible slideshow

  • Responsive carousel image gallery

  • Flexible tabs

  • Flexible toggles and buttons

  • Resizable photos and videos

  • Google web fonts

  • Blog design page

  • Portfolio page with prettyPhoto

  • Contact page with php working form included

  • PSD Files for icons and home panel instructions

  • SEO Friendly html code

  • Valid HTML code

  • Tested and developed on latest iOS and Android phones

  • HELP files included

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